

Cryp Trade Capital is a Global Wealth Building Company for Bitcoin

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Cryp Trade Capital Congress 2017

Cryptradecapital - So many "Short Term" investment offers that promise profit up to tens of percent per month. But in fact, the majority of it (99%) is just a scam program.

8 Years of experience, makes me not reckless in joining and promoting Online Business. In early 2017, I want to introduce to you, a business that has tremendous potential to run. Business Name is Cryp Trade Capital.

Do not forget to watch the short presentation of Cryp Trade Capital above, the Digest of this business as an overview before you join

Office : Cryp Trade Capital
Address: Av. Alfonso X El Sabio, 37, 03001 Alicante, Spain

List of Cryptocurrency at:




Pemberitahuan tentang aturan keuangan terbaru untuk Pelepasan Mavros "Lama"

Partisipan yang kami hormati :

Saat ini, aturan keuangan terbaru yang diterapkan untuk pelepasan Mavros "Lama" sebesar 10% dari jumlah permintaan PH (dari partisipan itu sendiri atau dari referalnya).

Bagaimana cara kerjanya? Ini artinya jika anda melakukan proses pemberian bantuan (PH) dalam jumlah 1000, dan sebelumnya anda melakukan penarikan sebesar 600, maka jumlah uang tersisa sebesar 1000-600 = 400. Maka Posisi Mavros Lama Anda akan dilepaskan sebesar 10% dari 400, itu artinya bahwa hanya 40 yang akan dicairkan (jadi BUKAN bernilai 100, dalam hal 10% dari 1000).

Kami ingin berbagi kabar gembira ing dengan anda. Mulai sekarang, pehitungan pencairan uang baru ini akan dilakukan terhitung semenjak pengumuman ini dikeluarkan

Artinya jika misalnya, besok Anda memberikan bantuan (PH) sebesar 100, maka bantuan tersebut akan dianggap sebagai uang baru, bahkan jika sebelumnya anda sudah melakukan penarikan sebesar 200.

Hormat kami,

Administrasi MMM.

Kami mengubah dunia!


Regarding New Money Rule for Release of “Old” Mavros

Dear members :

At present, the new money rule is applied to the release of “Old” Mavros for 10% of the amount of PH-request (of participant himself or his referral).

How does it work? It means that if you provide help in the amount of 1000, and before that you have withdrawn 600, then the new money will be 1000-600=400. And your Old Mavros will be released for 10% of 400, it means only 40 will be unfrozen (so not 100, not 10% of 1000).

We would like to share pleasant news with you. From now on, the new money will be counted since the day of this announcement got published.

It means if, for example, tomorrow you provide help in the amount of 100, they will be considered as new money, even if previously you have already withdrawn 200.

Sincerely yours,


We are changing the world!


The Latest Breakthrough Mining Bitcoin in the World

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On January 3, 2009 a programmer nicknamed “Satoshi Nakamoto” invented the bitcoin virtual currency to fight against financial injustice. The creator of bitcoin believes that a world where money transfers are controlled by banks and the state is abnormal. The authorities charge significant amounts for fund transfers and restrict the peoples' rights by not allowing them to transfer money where they wish and by demanding personal details.

Bitcoin and MMM alliance

MMM and Bitcoin share common grounds. This Mutual Aid Community strives to tackle financial injustice by getting rid of our dependency on banks, in the first place.

MMM members help each other financially. They provide help using both bank transfers and the bitcoin cryptocurrency. Over the last year, the number of fund transfers via Bitcoin has risen significantly — popularity of the cryptocurrency is on the rise. Even banks have ceased to argue with this and have started using the block chain technology which is the basis of Bitcoin in their operations.

Bitcoin is a promising enterprise, and its exchange rate is demonstrating continuous growth.

For example,
  • in October 2015 the bitcoin price increased by 97 %, and the Financial Times reporters linked it to MMM. The popularity of MMM is growing, the interest towards Bitcoin is on the rise, and the cryptocurrency exchange rate is going up.
  • From early 2017 and up until today, the bitcoin exchange rate has risen by 160 %. At the beginning of the year it was worth USD 1,000, now its price is over USD 2,600.

Why is it more profitable to use bitcoin within MMM?

Providing help using bitcoins rather than conventional currencies is more profitable.
  • Orders to provide and get help are processed much faster.
  • You also receive a 3 % bonus for providing help in bitcoins.  
  • Apart from earning rates with МММ, you can also earn on bitcoin exchange rate growth that is in general continuous.
  • Using cryptocurrency is safer as you can verify and track any payment.
  • It also lowers your chances of coming across fraudsters.
  • Employees of the Control and Revision Office can instantaneously check whether payment has been made without the need to provide account statements.
  • You pay a lower fee.
  • Transfers are processed faster.
  • Bitcoin makes it all easier and more dynamic.

Any MMM member may create a request to get help in bitcoins, and we have all instructions regarding use of bitcoins at our website. Read about it and try it — it's not rocket science. :-))

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! New Details Concerning Bitcoin Situation

INFORMASI PENTING! Rincian Terbaru Mengenai Situasi Bitcoin / IMPORTANT INFORMATION! New Details Concerning Bitcoin Situation

Partisipan yang Kami Hormati,

Dikarenakan adanya persiapan aktivasi SegWit yang akan dilakukan di jaringan Bitcoin ( ada kemungkinan terjadinya kegagalan teknis. Untuk menghindari kegagalan ini, maka kami meminta anda untuk berhenti melakukan PH dan GH menggunakan bitcoin dalam periode dari tanggal 31.07.2017 sampai 02.08.2017. Periode pembayaran order saat tersebut serta order baru yang dilakukan pada periode yang disebutkan akan dilakukan perpanjangan.

Hormat Kami,
Administrator MMM

Dear members,

Due to the preparation for the upcoming SegWit activation in Bitcoin network ( there is a possibility of technical failures. To avoid these failures, we ask you to pause providing and getting help in the period from 31.07.2017 till  02.08.2017. The period of payment of the current orders as well as new orders created in the above-mentioned period will be extended.

Yours truly,
MMM Administration

Latest Videos From MMM

Let's make a wrap-up:

We're really happy that MMM has been growing and its members have been so active all around the world. They have been providing help, inviting new members and building their own structures. MMM includes over 235 mln people from different countries, and this number is rising fast. Considering how fast we've been growing, 240 mln is close by. ;-))

This is all we’ve got for today. We have certainly had more interesting events, but we noted at the very beginning we would not tell you all about them — we will just cover the highlights. Otherwise, you would spend too much time reading this. ;-))

See you next week!

Best regards, MMM Administration!

New Info - MMM News Digest

Dear members! The MMM Mutual Aid Community has been successfully operating all over the world. We will now make a brief weekly news digests for all countries wherein we will briefly touch upon various interesting events and will make a wrap-up of the past week.

In general, MMM has seen an outstanding growth. We would like to note right away that as we have members from 118 countries we will not cover all the news in detail; otherwise, it will be an encyclopedia rather than a digest. :-)) Let's just touch upon the most interesting news. So, here we go!
MMM has been gaining popularity — hence, our online consultants have been in high demand. The number of conversations is constantly growing, hence new online consultants have been hired in Columbia, Brazil and some other countries. Let's wish them good luck!
MMM China is steadily gaining momentum. In the past week only the number of help provision cases rose two-fold, the number of new registrations increased by 1.5, and the number of people who received help doubled.
All countries has seen a rise in the number of members who prefer to use bitcoin. It is especially noticeable in China, RSA and Nigeria where the number of cryptocurrency advocates increased by 10 % in only a week.
On a side note, the Bitcoin Community has made a final decision as to the scaling of cryptocurrency — it has voted unanimously for using SegWit. Therefore, the probability of bitcoin being divided into 2 types on August 1 has withered away almost entirely, so you don't need to worry about that and can continue to use this prospective cryptocurrency within MMM.
The MMM office in Peru has made an excellent job. More and more interested people come to the office each day, and last week saw a record attendance rate. We launched this office with good reason. :-))
A cool radio show about our Mutual Aid Community was on air in the town of Ambon, Indonesia. The listeners and the organizers were content with how it went.
A MMM RSA member made a rebuttal against an article published at an online mass media portal that had made unfounded accusations against MMM allegedly intimidating (!) its members. This member will meet up with reporters shortly and will give an honest and truthful interview.
Kenia and Turkey automated the MMM Leader School. Studying has become even easier and more convenient.
India and Nigeria arranged several charity events. Nigeria's leading media companies wrote about these events. It's really nice! :-))

Photos and videos from the events:

Let's make a wrap-up:

We're really happy that MMM has been growing and its members have been so active all around the world. They have been providing help, inviting new members and building their own structures. MMM includes over 235 mln people from different countries, and this number is rising fast. Considering how fast we've been growing, 240 mln is close by. ;-))

This is all we’ve got for today. We have certainly had more interesting events, but we noted at the very beginning we would not tell you all about them — we will just cover the highlights. Otherwise, you would spend too much time reading this. ;-))

See you next week!

Best regards, MMM Administration!